Our New Branding
New Company Logo & Branding
Today is a big and exciting day for us all at urteam Digital as we are launching our new logo which is the start of a complete revamp. When we launched over three years ago our logo was soft and symbolised an open, inviting and friendly team and did its job.
However the look and feel really did not have the synergy with the urteam brand so over the last few months we have been working on a new face for urteam. We started off by discussing our primary goals of why we started the agency and what our vision was.
Why we started urteam and what’s in a name?
After completing our complex and detailed market analysis we had confirmed that most businesses no matter if startup, smb or even some large businesses want or require their own digital department. This could be simply as there is not year round requirement, don’t have the experience or they don’t want the extra headcount and additional costs.
However all do have a need so we launched urteam to be that agency that would provide a service that was as close to an in-house team as possible. We wanted the domain name yourteam however you guessed it, this was not available, so we went with urteam.
New Branding.
As a brand we are known for our core values, human, trustworthy, professionalism, fanaticle support and consultancy. We wanted our new logo to represent this but also to embrace our vision for the brand being our clients digital team being urteam.
The new logo now is now clean and has a synergy not only with our core values and vision but also with the service we provide our clients.
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